Statistics and Data Science Seminar: Expanding ML/AI Capabilities through Electronic Health Record Data

Speaker: Randi Foraker, Institute for Informatics, Washington University in St. Louis

Abstract: This talk will highlight the power of electronic health record (EHR) data to inform machine learning and artificial intelligence approaches. WUSTL researchers and trainees have access to a self-service query tool through which they can download computationally derived data assets from the EHR. These data sets protect patient privacy while providing rapid insights into healthcare delivery and outcomes and a test bed for novel mathematical and statistical methods. Dr. Foraker will demonstrate the utility of synthetic data in research and training environments at WUSTL and globally.

Bio: Dr. Foraker is the Director of the Center for Population Health Informatics at the Institute for Informatics, Data Science & Biostatistics (I2DB), and Interim Director of the Center for Biostatistics and Data Science, and a Professor of Medicine at Washington University in St. Louis. Dr. Foraker also serves as Director of the Public Health Data and Training Center for the Institute for Public Health and Co-Director of the Center for Administrative Data Research. Dr. Foraker specializes in the design of population-based studies and the integration of electronic health record (EHR) data with socioeconomic indicators as well as the use of synthetic data for research. Her recent research has focused on the application of clinical decision support – embedded in the EHR – to complement risk scoring in primary care, cardiology, and oncology.

Host: Debashis Mondal