Statistical Computation


Introduction to modern computational statistics. Pseudo-random number generators; inverse transform and rejection sampling. Monte Carlo approximation. Nonparametric bootstrap procedures for bias and variance estimation; bootstrap confidence intervals. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods; Gibbs and Metropolis-Hastings sampling; tuning and convergence diagnostics. Cross-validation. Time permitting, optional topics include numerical analysis in R, density estimation, permutation tests, subsampling, and graphical models. Prior knowledge of R at the level used in Math 494 is required. Prerequisite: Math 233; Math 309 or 429; multivariable-calculus-based probability and mathematical statistics (Math/SDS 493-494 or Math/SDS 3211/4211), not taken concurrently; acquaintance with fundamentals of programming in R.
Course Attributes: FA NSM; AS NSM

Section 01

Statistical Computation
INSTRUCTOR: Madrid Padilla
View Course Listing - FL2024