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Data Integration for Multiple Imputation of Nonignorable Missing Data: A Copula-based Approach
Joe Feldman, Postdoctoral Associate in the Department of Statistical Science at Duke University
A Heavily Right Strategy for Integrating Dependent Studies in Any Dimensions
Tianle Liu, PhD Candidate in Statistics, Harvard University
Uncertainty-Aware Human Preference Study and Machine Learning Predictions
Mengxin Yu, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Wharton School
Martin Luther King Holiday 2025 - no classes
Optimal Vector Compressed Sensing
Apratim Dey, PhD Student at Stanford University
Probabilistic Experimental Design for Petascale DNA Synthesis
Eli Weinstein, Postdoctoral Research Scientist at Columbia University
Graduate Student Seminar: Brain Community Detection in Adults and Infant
Ayoushman Bhattacharya, PhD Student in Statistics and Data Science at Washington University
Algorithmic Pursuit of Causality
Yihong Gu, PhD Candidate in Operations Research and Financial Engineering at Princeton University
Gromov-Wasserstein Alignment: Statistics and Computation
Gabriel Rioux, PhD Candidate in Applied Mathematics at Cornell University
Challenges and Opportunities in Assumption-free and Robust Inference
Yuetian Luo, Postdoctoral Scholar at University of Chicago
Graduate Student Seminar: Statistical Inference for Integrated Volatility in the Presence of Jumps
Tianwei Zhou, PhD Student in Statistics and Data Science at Washington University
Posterior Conformal Prediction
Yao Zhang, Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Statistics at Stanford University
On Principal Component Regression in High Dimension
Elad Romanov, Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Statistics at Stanford University
Spectral Clustering in the Gaussian Mixture Block Model
Shuangping Li, Stein Fellow at Stanford University
The High-Dimensional Asymptotics of Principal Components Regression
Alden Green, Stein Fellow at Stanford University
Advancing Trustworthy Machine Learning: A Perspective from Calibration and Sparsity
Yan Sun, Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Pennsylvania
Graduate Student Seminar: Subgroup Identification Based on Mixed Model for Repeated Measures for Alzheimer's Disease Trial
Zhichen Xu, PhD Student in Statistics & Data Science at Washington University