Carlos Misael Madrid Padilla

Assistant Professor of Statistics and Data Science
PhD, University of Notre Dame
research interests:
  • High-dimensional statistics
  • Nonparametric statistics
  • Change point detection
  • Causal inference
  • Bayes methodology
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    contact info:

    mailing address:

    • One Brookings Drive
    • Jolley Hall
    • MSC-1281-142-539
    • St. Louis, MO 63130

    My research resides at the intersection of statistics and data science. I primarily focus on non-parametric statistics, network analysis, change point detection, and variational Bayes. A significant aspect of my research is the development of computationally efficient algorithms backed by strong probabilistic convergence guarantees from a frequentist perspective. A current area of interest for me is structural estimation, particularly problems where the objective is to estimate high-dimensional parameters that possess a known structure, such as temporal or spatial relationships.