Special Topics in Statistics and Data Science: An Introduction in Python


At the end of the course, students will have a solid grasp of Python programming basics and have been exposed to the entire data science workflow. This includes interacting with SQL databases to query and retrieve data, through to data wrangling, reshaping, summarizing, analyzing and ultimately reporting results.The course will introduce and use popular Python libraries such as pandas, numpy, seaborn and matplotlib and use the Jupyter notebooks framework for coding. "Special Topics in Statistics and Data Science" is a variable-credit course that covers computational/practical methods or tools of broad interests in Statistics and Data Science. The title of the course will change from semester to semester Prerequisites: An introductory programming course at the level of CSE 131, an introductory statistics course at the level of SDS/MATH 3200 or 3211, and a multiple regression course at the level of SDS/MATH 439.
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Section 01

Special Topics in Statistics and Data Science: An Introduction in Python
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